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Parent Directive for infant safe sleep position

Pride Academy recommends back sleeping for all babies. At Pride Academy we must place an infant in a crib to sleep directly on a firm mattress and must position the infant on his/her back to sleep unless there is a signed directive from a parent or legal guardian for an alternate sleep position. Car seats, swings, couches, rockers or on the floor are not acceptable as an alternative sleep position. Pride Academy uses a fitted crib sheet that fits tightly on the mattress and overlaps the mattress so it cannot by dislodged by pulling on the corner of the sheet. Pride Academy also only uses cribs that meet specific requirements specified In regulations and cribs are checked monthly to assure that they are safe. These requirements apply to all license holders that serve infants up to and including twelve months of age.

Babies sleep safest on their backs. One of the easiest ways to lower a baby's risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is to put him/her back to sleep for naps and at night Since the recommendation to place a baby on his/her back for sleep began, the SIDS rate In the United States has dropped by more than fifty percent Placing babies on their back to sleep Is the number one way to reduce the risk of SIDS.

The following are recommendations for safe sleep for your baby:

1. Your baby should always be put on his/her back to sleep. The back sleep position Is safest and every sleep time counts.
2. Your baby should be put to sleep on a firm sleep surface, such as a safety-approved crib mattress covered by a fitted sheet Never place a baby to sleep on a pillow, quilt, fluffy blanket or other soft surfaces.
3. Keep soft objects, toys and loose bedding outside of the baby's sleep area. Do not use pillows, blankets or quilts.

Directive for Alternate Sleep Position: By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the information regarding Safe Sleep and that I am directing my provider to always: